Having twin boys in their junior year of college on a study abroad program has always been a dream of mine. Making one son study 4 years of French in high school, and the other Spanish has paid off. I’m off to Europe to visit one son in Paris and the other in Barcelona.
They are going to be my tour guides, I’m taking trains and small local planes to visit them. I was able to save a lot of money on my flights by being very flexible with my dates.
I’m traveling very frugal and light, I have to…did I mention I have twins doing study abroad?
Here are some easy packing trips, that will keep you in style, on time, warm, and your luggage bag light enough you can carry it.
1. Try to look for big space in a smaller bags, you can find many that are sturdy and have plenty of room. I packed this same amount in a carry on Osprey , as in this a light to check American Tourister bag.
2. Use a packing cube or old fashion Zip plastic style bag. The key to fitting a lot in was I used many of those zip plastic bags to put my clothes in and suck the air out, I looked for clothes that I can layer, rinse and wash, and I wore my heavy items on the plane.
3. Stick to a color plan, but bring a few bright items to beak it up, dress it up, and layer on.
4. Should you go with the roll or fold? I say it depends on the item. I fold my jeans smash them in a Zip plastic bag, squeeze out the air and they are flat. If you try to roll the jeans they can take up a lot of room. I will save items to roll and pack in the sides and in-between items. I also will roll shoes together and again place in a plastic zip bag, and they will slide just about anyplace you need them to fit.
5. Pop some color and fun with an extra sweater, or fun accessories like scarves, hats, hair items, belts, sunglasses, earrings, have fun they are easy to fit in small spaces but can bring a big impact.